WHSB CCF participation in Southend’s Annual Remembrance Service

The Annual Remembrance was once again marked by the School this year through our pupils’ participation in Services of Remembrance at School and in our City. This participation is something in which the pupils and staff take considerable pride, as we remember the fallen.
Our Annual Service of Remembrance for the whole School, with hymns, readings, prayers and music, took place on Friday 10 November. During the Service our School Captain, Will Midwinter, laid a wreath in memory of those from the School who gave their lives in both World Wars and in other conflicts. A guard of honour was formed by our CCF cadets who supported our service, during which the Standards were dipped for a minute’s silence.
Our CCF also provided their annual support to local Primary Schools at their respective Remembrance Services, offering similar ceremonial duties and readings for the younger pupils.
On Sunday 12 November, our CCF participated in Southend’s Annual Remembrance Service, parading around 100 cadets at the Cenotaph in Southend. At the City’s Annual Service, wreaths were laid by our School Captain, and by Mr Birdseye, President of the OWA. We were also pleased to be joined at the Cenotaph by former pupils and cadets from the School.
The CCF was also pleased to support the Orpheus Singers’ annual charity Concert of Remembrance for the Royal British Legion, providing a guard of honour, ushering and ceremonial duties for the event which was held at St Saviour’s Church, Westcliff on Saturday 11 November.
We commend and thank the pupils for their respectful participation in these events, and are so proud of the hard work of the staff, cadets and other pupils in planning and overseeing these arrangements. With particular thanks to Mr Bleakley (Contingent Commander), and to all the CCF staff for their superb coordination, participation and planning in connection with these various events.