Westcliff High School for Boys Relaunches Careers Evenings
WHSB Relaunches Careers Evenings
Three highly experienced local medical professionals were invited to speak to over 300 guests at the Careers in Medicine Evening at Westcliff High School for Boys on Wednesday 1 December. Pupils from across the School and others were invited to attend with parents, friends and carers, to enjoy informative presentations from the guest speakers.
Emma Gray, Core Surgical Programme Director, Dr Paul Guyler, Physician in Stroke and Vascular Medicine and Dr Thomas Keeble, Consultant Cardiologist, all from Southend University Hospital, shared their wealth of experience with those in attendance. Speaking about their individual career pathways, they also offered tips based on their own experiences gained along the way, inspiring and engaging those present. Each speaker supported their presentation with interesting facts and photographs, some of which proved amusing while others were somewhat gruesome!
Following the event, prospective medics lined up to speak with the guests, seeking further information in connection with their own personal aspirations. The School’s next Careers Evening will be hosted on Wednesday 26th January 2022 (7.00pm-9.00pm) and will include a range of presentations from experienced and knowledgeable guest speakers in the fields of Criminology, Law, Finance and British Intelligence. Pupils from other local schools are most welcome and should you wish to attend please express your interest via Ticketsource at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/whsb?sd=1.
Mike Skelly, Headmaster: "This was our first Careers Evening at the School since the Spring Term 2020, so we were particularly delighted to welcome such experienced and knowledgeable medical professionals to the School to speak to our large audience. The feedback from pupils has been most positive and we are so thankful to the speakers for giving up their valuable time to inspire and support a future generation of medics. I would like to thank Mrs Weller, Careers Adviser at WHSB, for her outstanding organisation and coordination of this excellent event".