Westcliff High School for Boys Creative Writing Winner Announced!
WHSB Creative Writing Winner Announced!
We are delighted to announce the winner of the most recent WHSB English Department Creative Writing Competition, where pupils were invited to submit entries based on the theme of 'Positivity' - Nathan Adeyemi, Year 7. His lively use of rhyme, imagery and rhythm, alongside his joyous choice of language to promote his message, made his work a standout piece. The response rate was exceptional and we congratulate all pupils who not only took time to craft and post their entries, but also to those who engaged in supportive and constructive feedback. A natural evolution of the WHSB Creative Writing Microsoft Teams page, has seen how pupils are taking the time to positively comment on each other's work, developing an interest in literature and also, demonstrating a sensitive and mature approach to online behaviour.
Nathan Adeyemi aged 12 years.
Tom Keenan, Head of KS3 & English Teacher: "Our Year 7 boys (aged 11-12 years old), have received some excellent mentoring from older pupils in the Lower School. The entries were of a high quality and creative writing is an established part of the WHSB Lower School 'diet'. Sometimes, that first step is the most difficult, and as any writer will tell you, the blank page can be quite an enemy. To see so many entries that captured the competition's purpose - to provide positivity during tough times - was wonderful. Once again, credit must be given to the WHSB community for rising to the challenge!".