Sixth Form Enrolment at WHSB – 20 August 2020
If you wish to join the WHSB Sixth Form, please fill in the form at as soon as you receive your GCSE Results on Thursday 20 August.
If you studied for your GCSEs at WHSB, you should fill in the form whether you wish to join the WHSB Sixth Form or not. You can expect a reply from the School within the day regarding your application and/or enrolment by email (or by telephone if we have a query). Requests for subject changes will be accommodated wherever possible and advisable. Applications from those who hold offers from the School (including those who have just completed their GCSE courses at WHSB) will be afforded priority, however WHSB usually has a few places available for students from other Schools wish to join but do not hold offers.
If you require advice, please seek this from the School before you complete the form either by phone, or by visiting between 10am and 2pm. You do not need to visit the School to enrol. If you are not a current Year 11 student, and you don't already have an offer, please do not visit or call us before 1pm.