A-Level Results Day 2023

Well done to all our students collecting their A Level results today. We are so proud of this cohort of students, as they have faced some exceptionally challenging circumstances arising from the pandemic and have shown great resilience and determination in achieving their remarkable results this year. 15% of entries were graded A* and 47% of all entries graded A* or A. In addition, an impressive 74% of all entries were graded A*, A or B.
There were many superb individual performances, with 31 students achieving three or more A*/A grades, including six students who secured four A* grades. There are many more delighted students who have achieved the necessary grades for their first-choice university or chosen next step.
We congratulate them and the hard-working staff at WHSB who have taught them, and wish this year’s leavers every success as they take their next steps forward.